Mindful Mamas is back!

September 9, 2022

Mindful Mamas 6-week Fall Session starts September 13th. The New Ulm WELLness Collective is so excited to partner with Kinzie from Healing Routines to be able to provide this amazing experience for local mothers. Thanks to the Medica Rural Community Health Grant, this series is free of charge and also provides child care!
Mindful Mamas is a Life Skills & Wellness Group for mom, focused on the experience of mothering – mind, body & spirit. It’s created through the lens of occupational therapy – looking at a woman’s roles, values, identity, and daily tasks/routines as a mother and is infused with effective Mindfulness strategies for the role of mothering.
Keep checking back to learn more about this excellent program, as well as other programs The New Ulm WELLness Collective is able to provide through community grants, generous donations, and local fundraising.

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